Weekly photo challenge ~ Companionable

I have the perfect photo for this week’s photo challenge, for which the theme is Companionable.

The challenge was laid down to us bloggers to avoid flinging more cat photos into the maelstrom of the Interwebs and so I have responded with… THIS!

Getting companionable at the Wine Museum, Bordeaux
Getting companionable with a bottle of Red at the Wine Museum, Bordeaux

The above is me and a rather, er, large bottle of wine in the Bordeaux Wine Museum, France. Regular readers of this blog will know that I have rather a close and definitely companionable relationship with a decent glass of red wine…

And although proximity and familiarity do tend to see me gravitating towards the hearty Australian styles of Red, I vastly enjoyed trying all the French and Spanish wines on my trip to the area a few years ago.


25 thoughts on “Weekly photo challenge ~ Companionable

  1. The husband and I snuck away from the RV last week to go to a winery for a tasting – ended up joining their wine club. Eastern Washington is finding its legs in the wine world, and I foresee some very good stuff in our future!


    1. Sara – it’s a MELCHIOR (18L) of wine… A methuselah is a mere 6L. (I had to go and look at the original photo to see the capacity and then Wikipedia told me!) Interestingly, all the bottles larger than 3L have biblical names. Weird, huh?

      Thanks for getting me to look this up!


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