A walk along Surf Beach – with shell

I’ve been enjoying another relaxing few days at Phillip Island, where beauty and inspiration abound.

This morning I took a walk at low tide along the south coast section of the island known as “Surf Beach” to Forrest Caves. With this week’s WordPress photo challenge theme of SCALE in mind, I picked up a shell and experimented a little with the different beach backdrops. These are taken on an iPhone 4S, so the depth of focus isn’t so good unfortunately.

Then I came across the following rocky formation, which reminded me of a miniature version of those ancient villages that exist in some parts of the world. I rather wished I had one of my D&D miniatures to place into the scene…


The caves themselves were beautiful too. Maybe a bit damp at high tide, though, so I don’t suppose they’d be any good for camping.

forrest caves
Forrest Caves – Phillip Island

It was fun to explore a new part of the island — after 8 years, I still had not made it down to Surf Beach and Forrest Caves. There’s always something new to discover.

10 thoughts on “A walk along Surf Beach – with shell

  1. Great photos…sounds like a relaxing few days. Did you keep the shell? For some reason I think it would be cool to travel the world with that shell and take its photo in all sorts of exotic locations like the pyramids and Stonehenge and Easter Island 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great photos, Ellen, and I think the shallow depth of field worked in your favour because it really drew attention to the shell. I didn’t know about those caves! Will have to go and have a look sometime.

    Liked by 1 person

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