Four windows

Today I’m playing with the WordPress weekly photo challenge, where the theme is WINDOW.

Now I daresay most participants will probably be focusing on what’s on the other side of the window. Not me. For me it’s all about the architecture.

On my recent trip to the UK I found myself taking multiple photos of windows and doors. I find old architecture beautiful and fascinating. In particular I find myself very drawn to stone and ancient wood and bands or studs of iron and bronze (the last more when it comes to doors). Is that the materials engineer in me? Or maybe it’s the fantasy lover…

Anyway, here’s a slideshow of my top four pictures of English windows.

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Bolventor Church – This is my favourite of these photos, I think. I had to take it through a chain link fence, but it was a dear little church in a dear little graveyard (despite the scaffolding). We visited it during our driving tour of Bodmin Moor in Cornwall.

Bodmin Gaol – The gaol (jail) is one of Bodmin’s main attractions. It’s an old stone building, partially in ruins, and is every bit as dark and dank as one might imagine. This window was in the outer wall of one of the ruined sections.

Cotehele – This is an old Tudor manor house in Cornwall, with a maze of interconnected stone stairways and rooms. All seemingly quite random. (Some more photos of Cotehele and Bodmin Gaol in this post.)

Medieval Exeter – We came across this building during our walking tour of Exeter. I can’t quite remember exactly what it was originally (possibly someone’s house?), but it’s currently a museum. I just really liked the window! Notice how tiny each pane of glass is.

I have to admit I did attempt to take some photos of stained glass windows, but none of them came out very well. Having said that, I’m personally much more interested in the frames and the sills. But I love a bit of lead lighting too.

Which one be your favourite?

14 thoughts on “Four windows

    1. Especially OLD architecture… Something we don’t have much of (in fact any) here in Australia. Sometimes I think I live in the wrong country. But yes, the architecture of other countries and cultures is so fascinating. Thanks, Tami.


  1. These photos were all great, and I couldn’t narrow it down to ‘the one’. I also have certain favourites when travelling. I love architecture and the story it tells you, particularly windows, doors and balconies. When bushwalking I must admit I have a fungus fetish!


    1. Textured stone is so beautiful, isn’t it. I love it so much. And there is such an abundance of it in England. I could take close-up pictures of stone all day… maybe I’ll do a photo blog of stone close-ups one day soon. I took enough pictures of them! πŸ™‚


      1. Yeah, when I worked in the video game industry, I loved working with weathered stone textures the most, even if I didn’t get to use it as much as I would’ve liked. A photo blog with stone close-ups would be cool.


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