Packing for Camp NaNoWriMo

2013-Participant-CampNaNoAfter my positive experience during NaNoWriMo last November (when I wrote a stack of words on my WIP) I’m now considering signing up for Camp NaNoWriMo.


It can all happen again in April and/or July — the word slinging, the discipline, the moral support from the writing community. This time we have the flexibility to nominate our own word targets (I’ve gone for 25,000 words — half the NaNoWriMo target), and there’s less pressure to work on a new novel. Not that I was going to let that worry me. I’ll be continuing on with the messy first draft of the current WIP.

Am I sounding as though I’ve already signed up? Er…

At this stage I’m targeting April, although if that happens to coincide with a new dayjob, I’ll consider downscaling the target number of words. But I was planning to tackle something like this anyway, so it seems like the ideal opportunity.

My user name is ellenvgreg and I’m looking for some camp buddies. Seems we get billeted in cabins of 4-6 writers. Who’s going to join me? Leave your NaNo user name in the comments… 🙂


24 thoughts on “Packing for Camp NaNoWriMo

  1. Intriguing! March is crazy for me with various projects, so April might be a great month to do this so I can keep the momentum going. Count me in. I’ll have to consider my goals. My NaNo name is smhutchins.


  2. Not sure if I’ll be ready to join in though I very much want to! I’m wondering if I can wrangle a word count out of revising the current WIP which I plan to have done in the next week or so… 🙂


    1. I guess it depends on what type of edit you’re intending to do… I think Camp NaNo is less “serious” than the November deal and exists more as an incentive for people to focus. So I think you could apply it to your own ends easily enough.

      How do you edit? I’m always intrigued by this. My editing process tends to involve heavy rewriting because I NEVER like what’s already there — or my vision changes. So my “editing” process is rather time consuming. I don’t think I’ve ever edited something to the point I’m happy enough with it to submit. Hmm. (I think there might be a post in this some day!)


      1. My editing process is one part heavy rewrite and then one part submitting chapters to my writing critique partners. I find that works best for me since three sets of eyes on it are better than one. They’re also good at convincing me that the entire thing isn’t as craptastic as I think it is.

        I’m never satisfied with what I write, either. Perhaps that means we’re growing ourselves into being good writers because we’re always looking for ways to take our writing to the next level. 🙂


        1. Sounds like a good process – and not unlike mine. There’s a joke around my critique circle that I’m too much of a perfectionist because my standard phrase is “it’s not ready yet”!
          Good luck with your edit.


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