You can never have too much chocolate

It seems for the month of November, I will be fixated on inspirational aids/props to get me through NaNoWriMo… Last week it was notebooks. This week it’s chocolate.

All this can be found in my house just now…

What can I say? I’m a week into NaNoWriMo now (trying to write 50,000 words of my novel in just 30 days) and chocolate is NECESSARY!

I have the above chocolate stash in my house on standby at the moment.

Does anyone else have the affliction that when chocolate is on sale in the supermarket you have to buy at least five blocks? The minute Lindt Excellence, or those (chocolate covered) Turkish Delight bars, or the impressive 400g Toblerones are anywhere near reduced, I can’t help myself. I think I once bought 10 blocks of Lindt Excellence all at once. And I used to have four Toblerones…

But you can never have too much chocolate, right?

Sometimes I’m quite good at resisting the eating of it. It’s enough just to know it’s there in the cupboard, waiting for that day I really need it. (I get really stressed if there’s none in the house — you should have seen me on the weekend down at my parents’ holiday house when it was revealed there was no chocolate in the house anywhere!)

Other times, nothing will stop me…

Here’s another block I picked up at the store this evening. What do you reckon?

Diet chocolate – will it taste any good?

Chocolate is my inspiration of the week (a day late). What’s your favourite? Do you think the diet chocolate block is worth a try?

12 thoughts on “You can never have too much chocolate

    1. Yeah, I think I agree with you, Suzanne! But my curiosity got the better of me – you just never know! (At the rate I’m consuming chocolate at the moment, it seemed worth a try.) And the diet chocolate was not cheap either. I will report back when I’ve tried it…


  1. I’m not NaNo-ing, but maybe I need to discipline myself that so that I touch NO chocolate unless I have written at least 1000 words that day. I went over the limit today, I guess that means I get double the treats.


    1. A good rule, Julie! Sometimes I tell myself I can have chocolate if I do half an hour on my elliptical… although 1000 words would work as an incentive too. (It’s just that maybe I need the chocolate to get to the 1000 words…)


    1. Thanks, Tami. Word slinging is a brilliant description of my process during NaNoWriMo. It’s not my usual process and it will be interesting to see how much I love/hate the WIP at the end of November 🙂


  2. First of all, I’m congratulating you on getting a post out in the midst of NaNo. All I could manage was putting up a YouTube video. Regarding chocolate, I can’t keep it in the house or it will be gone faster than you can say soft, creamy, milk chocolate that melts in the mouth. Loooove chocolate but what has happened in the past few years is that I get migraines if I have more than a bite. Even so, I will eat it on occasion when I can’t stand not having it and then take my migraine meds.


    1. Oh no! Not migraines from chocolate! How devastating.
      It’s true it’s hard to post at the moment, but this was a short one. I think the blog posts will be very simple and self-indulgent this month 🙂


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